
All individuals, businesses and organisations worldwide, who are directly or indirectly involved with, connected to or affected by the adult entertainment industry are invited to become members of the Adult Industry Association.

The profile of an AIA member is defined as follows:

  1. People who subscribe to the products and services of adult professionals and businesses.
  2. Professionals who provide any type of adult entertainment product or service. 
  3. Businesses that provide any type of adult entertainment product or service. 
  4. Consumers who buy, order, book or subscribe in any way to adult entertainment products or services.


Sign up annonymously

We understand and appreciate that many people will want to subscribe discreetly to Adult Industry Association.

Therefore, users are allowed to sign up anonymously by using an alias.

However, we strongly advise that members conduct their own due diligence, before agreeing to do business or a face- to face encounter with other members.

You should never be shy or hesitate to do the following;

  1. Ask for real name and other personal information
  2. Request a video call and to see photo ID to verify identity.
  3. Check references

Using our platform safely is your responsibility!

Membership Fees

Make Payment Protection Status