About AIA Live

AIA Live is a livestream talk show produced by Adult Industry Association (AIA).

Our show features news, reviews and interviews related to the sex and adult entertainment industry.

The show is streamed live on FacebookYouTube, Instagram and the homepage of the AIA platform. Viewers can also call in to participate in the live discussions via a link provided by the production team. Alternatively, viewers can send their questions or comments for discussion via the comments section.

Guests Wanted

Business Owners, Professionals and Subscribers in the sex and adult entertainment industry are invited to become guests on AIA Live.

Interviews can be done from the convenience of your home or office with the use of: 

1) Laptop or desktop with webcam and mic

2) Smartphone or other device

3) Reliable internet connection

4) A recent version of Chrome or Firefox

5) A quiet space to conduct the interview

We recommend wearing earbuds or headphones to prevent audio echoes.

There is no cost to be a guest on AIA Live

However, you must be a subscribed member of the Adult Industry Association. To sign up for free membership, go to AdultIndustryAssociation.org 

To schedule an interview, complete and submit the guest form below.

AIA Live Episodes

Advertising Rates

Boost the exposure and visibility of your products and services. Place 30-sec video ads during episodes of AIA Live. See rates below.

Contact us

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