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Females earn $10,000+ per month

Earn up to $10,000 a month plus we giveaway up to $4000 in weekly cash prizes for top earners. New social media platform is looking for content creators and models of all shapes and sizes. We are better than Onlyfans which only pays out 80%, our models take home 100% of their earnings with no deductions! We make money from selling packages to our members and never take money from our creators. You set your own prices for your premium content. All you need is your cell phone to get started! 
Onlyfans : $1000 × 80% payout = $800
Working with us: $1000 × 100% payout = $1,000
To APPLY or for more INFORMATION: 
Referral code: PC_1550334
After you register you must download the APP to start:
Get paid for:
-Sending text messages
-Offering a Subscription to your profile 
-Uploading pictures or videos
-Creating interesting stories
We pay bi-weekly via: Direct deposit, skrill, paxum, webmoney, epay

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