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AIA Update



Under New Management
Adult Industry Association is now under new management.

Edit Your Profile
We have made modifications to improve the platform. Please login and update your profile. Go to

Social Media Ad Campaign
We are launching a new social media advertising campaign to boost our exposure and visibility. 

Share Our Url
We need your help to boost our number of subscribers. Please invite your adult industry contacts to subscribe free to the AIA platform. Refer them to

Adult Industry Complaints
Submit complaints about businesses, professionals, products and services in the adult industry. Go to

Upgrade To Premium Member (Optional)
Upgrade to Premium Membership and have access to the following features to promote your products and services.

  1. Classifieds Ads
  2. Discussion Forum
  3. Blogs
  4. Photos
  5. Videos
  6. Chat Room

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AIA Live Talk Show
We are relaunching AIA Live

If you are interested in being a guest on our show, please go to

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